Papozze competition-Reported at the 5th edition national competition
Adria-show -“a week a thousand colors” -September 2012
Padua – trevisan palace “art helps the social”May 2012
Padua common gallery of Padua “spring 2013″June 2013
Monreal -Peace Prize Award June 2013
Monrerale: exhibition at contemporary modern art museum June August 2013
Padua: collective with delta artists from September 28 to October 18, 2013
Paris: Du Louvre Art Shopping contemporary art fair from 25 October to 27 October
Verona : 1st biennial of creativity from 12 to 16 February 2014
Palermo: artist of the year 2015 for contributing to his work, to enrich the Italian artistic heritage. Palermo assignment January 2016